Ayurvedic jewellery

Unique jewellery in colourful glass seed beads based on Ayurvedic philosophy.

These unique necklaces and bracelets are meant to be worn on a special day every week. Since each day has a special connection with our planets, the moon and the sun. It can be very balancing to live according to the cosmic energy based on Ayurvedic philosophy.

I was inspired to create a series of jewellery for every day of the week. I read about the cosmic attunement of wearing a specific color every day. I’m trained in Ayurveda at the Saswitha Institute in the Netherlands. They have close contact with Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar. The cosmic attunement is mentioned in The Prana Calendar, distributed by Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar of the Chakra Institute.

Monday – Lundi – day of the Moon: Light Blue, greytones, and silver
Tuesday – Mardi – day of Mars: Red and orange
Wednesday – Mercredi – day of Mercurius: Green
Thursday – Jeudi – day of Jupiter: Yellow
Friday – Vendredi – day of Venus: Rainbow, all colours, including white
Saturday – Samedi – day of Saturnus: Royal blue and black
Sunday – Dimanche – day of the Sun: Gold

I started wearing a red shirt on Tuesday, Mars Day, and yellow pants on Thursday, Jupiter Day. It gave me a very fresh look at the clothes I had in my closet, but more importantly, I started to feel the balancing effect. It gives me structure, awareness about the different days of the week. I’ve never liked wearing gray, but on Monday, the day of the Moon, it’s great to wear grey, silver, light blue colors. I can start the week soft and end the week radiant in gold.

Ayurveda (meditation and yoga) has kept me going for over 20 years. It is my wish that it inspires you too.